Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

The highlight of 2008 for our family was the birth of Ashlyn Mary Besaw on July 21st. She has been such a joy to us! Ashlyn is now 5 months old and just starting on solid foods. She is so very sweet, smiles a lot, loves to know what is going on around her, and sleeps through the night! Her big sister and brother are wonderful helpers and love her so much. We feel very blessed to have her as our baby girl.

Adam, age 7, started 1st grade in September and is a very good student. He enjoyed playing soccer again and having dad as his coach. Adam loves Star Wars, Legos, playing on the computer, and has achieved "professional" bowler status on the Wii. He is becoming a good little reader and is a great helper around the house.

Annaka, age 11, is growing up too fast. She is in her last year of elementary school where she is a captain of the drill team and plays the cello in the orchestra. Annaka is still taking piano lessons, enjoys reading, and loves creating craft projects. She thinks she is Ashlyn's second mom and we are looking forward to having her as our official babysitter when she turns 12 in June.

Amy continues to keep busy taking care of the children, volunteering with PTA, babysitting a few days a week, and working with the young women at church. She has recently discovered Facebook and has found that it is great way to keep in touch with family and friends. With the two older kids at school all day, Amy has also enjoyed having a lot of time to spend with Ashlyn.

Carl fell victim to the downturn in the economy and joined the ranks of the unemployed in September. He has several good prospects where he recently interviewed and is hopeful that one of these will work out in the new year. Amy has enjoyed having him home and is in for a rude awakening when he returns to work. Carl also had more time for coaching Adam's soccer team and fulfilling his responsibilities as Bishop at church.

As we look back on 2008, we are grateful for our trials and our blessings. We are thankful for the love and support of our family and friends which has meant so much to us. At this time of year, may we all take time to reflect on the birth of the Savior of the world as we strive to better follow his teachings and example.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

All our love,

The Besaw Family

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Long Lost Besaws

I'm sure everyone thinks we've disappeared off the face of the earth, but we are still alive and well, just staying busy with life. Unfortunately, Carl was laid off last month and has been looking for a new job. Ashlyn is getting so big and time is going by too fast. We are blessed to have so much love and support from family and friends. Instead of creating a huge blog with tons of pictures catching up on the last few months, we have posted them in an album. You can view them at:

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Here are some more pictures of Ashlyn's first few days...

Big Sister and Big Brother love her so much

Daddy helping Adam get the hang of things

Coming home from the hospital

Proud Daddy

Proud big sister

I like my passy

Just lounging

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our New Addition

Ashlyn Mary Besaw was born on July 21st, 2008 at 10:28pm. She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces and is 20 and 1/2 inches long.

We are so happy to have her as a member of our family and that mother and baby are both doing well.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bountiful Harvest

Just thought we would post a picture of all the veggies we have been picking from Mom and Dad's garden while they are away. But what in the world are we going to do with all of these cucumbers?

Chubby Feet

The countdown has begun! 22 days left till my due date and my feet reflect that! Thought we would post a picture for posterity. My feet were pretty swollen when I was pregnant with Annaka but we never got a picture, so this is one for the books. They look pretty gross and I can't wait for them to be back to normal again!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Baby Shower

Sorry we haven't posted for so long, life just gets a little crazy at the Besaw house. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little girl at the end of July. We can't believe that she is almost here! This last Saturday was my baby shower given by my dear friend Andrea. Everything was beautiful and it was a wonderful day spent with family and friends. I am so grateful for all who helped to make it so special. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big News!

We apologize for being such terrible bloggers but life gets so crazy!! Anyway we have some big news in our family this week. IT'S A GIRL! Yes, the count will be 2 girls, 1 boy. We are very excited, although we had to console one sad little boy who was really hoping for a brother. He's doing great now and is very excited too. He now kisses my tummy every night. Hopefully we'll be better about getting some more info on our blog soon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One More Thing...

Well, a huge thanks goes out to my wonderful husband for taking time to update our blog after all this time. But one thing he failed to mention, and I only do it with the utmost modesty and with great humility (because he definitely wouldn't do it), is the fact that he was called the Thursday before Christmas to be the Bishop of our ward. I only bring it up to illustrate the craziness of our month of December. The Stake president gave him about 5 days to choose counselors and he was sustained on December 30th, 2007. Talk about a whirlwind holiday! And he still updated the blog for me because I have been so lazy about doing it. I am so lucky to have such an incredible man as my husband! (Okay, enough of the cheesy stuff!)

Catching Up Our Blog

No, we didn't fall of the face of the earth! The past few months have just been very busy. Let me try to catch you up and then hopefully we can keep our blog more current than we did the last months of 2007.

For Thanksgiving, we made our annual trek to Utah to spend the week with my family. While we there, the kids had a great time playing with their cousins and we did our family Christmas gift exchange. We also had a fun time bowling with some of my family, but I think the high point for Adam was getting to drive/ride his Papa Rod's "tractor". It was a great trip until the last night when my youngest sister Miranda was in a pretty bad car accident and gave us a scare, but thankfully she was OK.

After returning home, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that Amy was pregnant. It's a little scary thinking about having another baby after so many years, but we are very excited. We told the kids one night by having them open their first Christmas present, a stocking for "Baby Besaw". The only trouble is Annaka wants a girl and Adam wants a boy, so someone will be disappointed.

Leading up to Christmas, Adam had his end of the season soccer party. Annaka performed as part of her school's orchestra where she plays the cello and also had a piano recital. After all of that, we were ready to take it easy over Christmas.

My parents drove out to be with us for the New Year and were able to spend a couple days with the kids before they left with Amy's parents to spend New Year's Eve in Idaho with Amy's sister and her family. Adam and Annaka had a lot of fun playing in the snow with their cousin Kimberlee and I think we missed them more than they missed us. They came home the beginning of last week and now it is back to our everyday lives: work, school, babysitting, church, and preparing for our new addition this summer.