Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Long Lost Besaws

I'm sure everyone thinks we've disappeared off the face of the earth, but we are still alive and well, just staying busy with life. Unfortunately, Carl was laid off last month and has been looking for a new job. Ashlyn is getting so big and time is going by too fast. We are blessed to have so much love and support from family and friends. Instead of creating a huge blog with tons of pictures catching up on the last few months, we have posted them in an album. You can view them at:


Kent said...

Are you sure you aren't just re-posting old photos of Annaka? Can't believe how much alike I think those two look.

I also loved Darth Vader doing his homework. We really miss you guys!!

travelingtxmom said...

Thanks for sharing all those great photos! It was such fun to see all the family on Ashlyn's blessing day. Those last pictures of her are adorable, she is a little sweetheart, with a great brother and sister who are getting too big too fast.

just jen said...


i am so sorry to hear about carl, hopefully things are better as i write this!

i ended up going with the black and white just because it will match my walls and the kitchen design better. once you see the whole kitchen the black and white just looks better. but i won't post any pics of the kitchen yet because it isn't ready for a photo shoot (jk).

it is great to hear from you...old friends are the best friends...